Today I am at #delmarvagis. One of my other hats at Salisbury University is that of the Technical Director of the Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative. This is a great lab group that just celebrated it’s 10th anniversary, and they are the best people I have ever worked with. Its not only fun to work with this group, but it is also intellectually stimulating. Our recent ventures in the geospatial world have taken us to create geodashboards. Geodashboards are just like ordinary dashboards, but they have a spatial component to them. You can check out a few of them by clicking below:
DLLR Dashboard created by ESRGC
Maryland BayState dashboard developed by ESRGC
Maryland Data Explorer dashboard developed by the ESRGC
We have tried to keep this as open as possible, so we are using Node, Leaflet, and on the back end, either PostGres or SQLServer. The maps you see are mostly GeoJSON that can be manipulated by the client computer.